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Feeding America - ongoing

When you make a purchase, 3% of the proceeds are donated to Feeding America to support their COVID-19 relief efforts. Read more about Feeding America here. Below is a donation history to date (note: donations are made once donation sum exceeds a $50 threshold):

$55.70: Donated on 7.15.20

$66.40: Donated on 9.12.20

$70.40: Donated on 3.3.21

$64.73: Donated on 9.16.21

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Memorial Sloan Kettering - 3.29.21

When painting the “Limited Edition RBG” denim jacket, I wanted 20% of the proceeds to be donated to Memorial Sloan Kettering in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. On March 27th 2021, the denim jacket was sold and on March 29th 2021, $40.00 was donated to Memorial Sloan Kettering.

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100% of the proceeds generated by the pre-sale of this BLM T-shirt and tote featuring original art was donated to Black Visions Collective. Together, we were able to raise $533.31

You can read more about Black Visions Collective here.

Please also see here for donations made as part of the Wear Your Mind initiative.